Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What's Going Here You Ask??

Maybe you don't want to know. Sickness of all types of yuck have been going on here. Just when we thought things were getting better, Sam and Makiah started running fevers and had sinus ick. So I took them to the doctor and they both have Upper Respiratory Infections and that caused Sam's asthma to jump in too. Daniel on the other hand was doing great. I thought, "we are nearing the end of the illness tunnel", when I was snapped back to reality by fever, cough, runny nose and sinus ick. Yes, Daniel is now sporting his very own URI. So I continue with the disinfecting and nose wiping.

At this point I am wondering if a thermal cleaning is possible. Just zap it all!

On an up note, the weather has been grand and as soon as the kidlets are well again, we are heading outside. We may do school outside every day--just because.

Anywoo, in an attempt at a real post, I thought I'd at least sing the praises of our trip to St. Louis, now two and a half weeks old. It was wonderful. We had a grand time of ministering, relaxing and fellowship. It was so needed. There are some people that will always be important and play an important role in one's life and the church family we have over there are those people. Dear friends that are more like family than friends. We all hold them dear and always will. I don't think it will ever matter how far we roam from each other, we will always be close.

I am getting back into the swing of the Great Slim Down. I have to say that I let up during all this mess, so much to do besides exercise. Yes, I kind of fell of the wagon for a few days, but I am not going to stop. I re-started the exercising today. Actually when I weighed, I found a nice surprise. I just knew that I had picked up a pound or two. I was truly amazed to find that I had lost another 1.8 pounds. I'll take that! I am also going to start seriously training for the Heart Walk that is quickly approaching. I plan on being out the door by 6 in the morning and on the track. Can't wait actually~~the solitude, just me and the iPod. It may end up being more for my mental health than exercise at this point!

Well, I need to get ready for church now. Hubs is staying home with the sicklets so that I can actually go to church.


Sir Nottaguy-Imadad said...

I can feel for you. My wife and I had the sinus ick a week apart. I guess it just goes with spring, but it doesn't mean I have to like it.

Boy Mom said...

Wow! On the slim down, you are doing so great. Way to go!

Sorry about the illness!

St Louis sounds so fun, I'd love to know more about the ministry work.

Yea for warm weather and getting out of the house.