Monday, February 9, 2009

He Has the Seat Belts Figured Out!

Yes, there is now no way to keep Samuel out of the fridge!! He has figured out how to open it despite my best attempts at keeping him out. Only thing left is to hang our food from the ceiling.

He also decided that coloring the banister was a good idea. He came into the laundry room and said "Come look what I did". I followed him and he showed me the brown and green marker, now decorating the banister he so loves to climb. I quickly grabbed the Clorox wipes and fortunately it came off. He also pooped on the playroom floor (on accident). I am almost out of Clorox wipes.

It has truly been one of "those" days. You know the kind, where staying in bed with a good book would have been a better option.

Then I see things like this and realize that "those" kind of days can't compete with this. . .

They were all on Sam's riding toy! They were having a blast! I love those faces!

So though I go to bed exhausted, I go to bed very joyful about my job.

Heart Tip: Get your cholesterol checked and monitor how much cholesterol your eating. According to the AMA, cholesterol can be good and bad, but you need to know the facts of cholesterol. Knowing your levels and facts of cholesterol can lower your chances of heart disease. Knowledge is power when it comes to your health.


fisherlass said...

From Karen C.

Thanks for your stories and photos. Whenever I need a laugh, I can be sure to find it when I visit your site.

p.s.: Hang in there on those rough days, and remember keeping you all in prayer and thoughts ... and remember to laugh.

Sir Nottaguy-Imadad said...

I'll bet the Clorox wipes people are loving you. They should send you at least a few coupons for mentioning them on your blog.

Boy Mom said...

Funny, we had one of those nights, my sick 6 year old Pooped the bed, not pretty, then I cuddled his shaking burning little body all night.

The picture is precious!