Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Things I LOVE About Fall

Its no secret how much I love fall!! So today, in lieu of my normally fabulous posts, I give you a list.

1. The weather!! After sweltering heat all summer, I long for the crisp mornings and the bright sunny cool afternoons. I could have fall weather from August to March and never miss winter. Really, I love this weather.

2. Honeycrisp apples!! There is no better, sweeter, juicier, yummier apple in all the world as a Honeycrisp. You can only get them in the fall and I have eaten my weight in them this month (no small feat people). We loved them last year too. I have put them in a new Roast Beef recipe, I cut them up for snacks, I used them in the salad and of course they are great in apple pies, crisps and cobblers too. OH! And pomegranates!! Can't forget those!! Another yummy fruit that only comes in the fall and stays a short time.

3. Colors!! Autumn brings a beautiful color scheme that is breathtaking. The trees, the mums and of course those beautiful pumpkins. I love to drive in the country in the fall. The spring is nice, but I am usually sneezing to hard to notice in the spring, but during Indian summer a drive in the country is perfectly peaceful.

4. The decor! As you all know, I love pumpkins and harvest decor. If it wouldn't burn my husband out I would leave it up all year. It's just so cute. Last year I had punkins, punkins, punkins. I do this year too, but I also have scarecrows and leaves and a fall wreath on my patio door.

5. Pumpkin food--as in rolls, breads and pie. None of which I found a diet friendly version of! I really love pumpkin pie and pumpkin rolls, but I will do my best to control myself! I make no promises. ~Smile~

Now I must be done for today. I am getting ready to have pumpkin roll for lunch, followed by a long walk (to work off that roll) in the beautiful sunny cool afternoon.

What do you love about Fall? What activities do you do in the Fall?

1 comment:

forever folding laundry said...

I remember from last year your love for pumpkins! :)

I am with you on the Honeycrisp apples. They are the BEST APPLES OF ALL TIME. And I am so horrible that I bought Gala apples to send in the boys' lunches and keep the honeycrisp to myself. Bad mommy, huh?

Hope all is well in the Lovelock household!
