Monday, April 8, 2013

Can I Really Say It Was Good?

Sunday is always an exhausting day, but 99.99999 percent of the time a very blessed, joyous, God-filled day.  This is a post for Monday, but I'm writing it at 10:46 pm on Sunday.  Today was one of those amazing, powerful, blessed days that at the end of the day, you lay down, sigh contentedly and say, "Thank you Lord for a wonderful day."  Don't get me wrong, I got my praise on ,got preached too, had my toes lovingly stepped on, prayed, and the list goes on, but it was a wonderful day.  Sunday on the social media sites are bursting with the shouts of awesome services throughout the country and even the world (depending on who you are connected to).

Then Monday cometh.  Monday morning on Facebook and twitter tend to be negative places.  The sadness that the weekend has ended, the frustrations of morning rush hour that always seems worse on Monday (I used to work outside the home, I know) and just the general bemoaning because it's a Monday.  People expect Monday to be bad.  We expect the worst from co-workers, bosses, clients/customers, school mates and of course, rush hour.  We wake up expecting to have a rough day, even I, a stay-at-home mom, tend to wake up exhausted, in need of day of recovery and most of the time expect my children to be cranky and little squirrelly.  

After just a few hours of sleep, we wake up grumpy and expecting to have a rough day, forgetting the amazing blessings just 15 hours, give or take, earlier.  All the hot air has been let out of our balloon and we are deflated.  Drudgery of a new week has replaced our happiness (can't be joy or it wouldn't be that easily replaced) as we venture off into our Monday adventures.

So this is my question:  What will do on Monday with what God did for you or to you on Sunday?

What if we woke up expecting a good day instead of a bad one?  Or expecting to feel God's presence despite the fact that the week has indeed began anew?  Or even better, ready to share with others the testimony of our awesome Sunday?  If we were really impacted, changed and challenged on Sunday, shouldn't our Monday's look different?  

If not, can we really say Sunday was good?

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