Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sunday Funnies

Blessed Sunday to you all!! I am looking forward to tonight. Hubs and I are visiting my parents church because my great uncle is preaching there! It will be lovely to see them!! I am also excited for what God has in store for us tonight. You know going to church with an open mind and a heart that is willing to receive from God, will always go home having been fed!

I am so thankful for my freedoms. My natural freedom from living in a free country, but I am also thankful for the freedom I have found in Christ! There is nothing like having God in my life, nothing can deliver you like He can--true freedom!!

Mandisa--Freedom Song

I have to also leave a funny for you because, well, laughter doeth good like a medicine. Who doesn't want to be healthy?? This video is Anita Renfroe and this has totally been me all week!!

I hope your Sunday is blessed. Full of God's presence and joyous laughter!!

1 comment:

Chic Mama said...

There really is nothing like being free in Christ- I love that He meets me right where I'm at! Praise God!