Thursday, May 27, 2010



Now the real work begins. Besides the unpacking, we have a church to get up and running! Very exciting times around here.

I have been a busy bee getting things organized, put away, decorated. I have high priorities people. I mean our clothes are still in various boxes, suitcases and such, but my living room and dining room are getting decorated. I'll send out pictures of the finished product. You all know what boxed walls look like!

The kids are adjusting well. Sam has had a little trouble understanding why special people do not live close anymore, but he doesn't cry about it. He just asks A LOT of questions. I mean really, now that I type that, its really not that different than usual. ~~Smile~~

My very good friend, more like a sister, is coming to visit this weekend. She can't live without us. ~Wink~ And I am looking forward to hanging out with her and entertaining in my new abode!

Well, I know that was not very newsy, but that's all I have today. Back to my boxes!!


MotherT said...

Hey, welcome back! Glad your unpacking is going so well. When we've moved I have to unpack my kitchen and my bedroom first, everything else can come later.

Boy Mom said...

Glad you're back. Congrats on all the fun changes. Way to prioritize, I always decorate each room as I go in a move.